Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Reckless Optimism

Besides fishing, I have also been trying to land a job since moving back to Honolulu. The economy may be suffering a fit of depression but I am optimistic about finding a great job, maybe not right away, but it's definitely coming down the pike.
In the meantime I have re-kindled another project: Kung-Fu Carping. Two years ago I wrote a short article with that title that was published in The Drake. That success inspired me to turn the article into a short book on carp fishing. I more or less finished writing last year, with a lot of help from many wonderful people, but the illustrations for the book did not get completed. Recently I have been working on coloring some of the old drawings and also adding some new images to the mix. I don't have a goal in mind regarding the number or content of the illustrations but I'll keep drawing as long as I'm inspired!


Joule said...

It looks like that dude is hanging on for dear life. Great color also.

Anonymous said...

nice drawing. Looking forward to reading your book.
