Despite every single leg of our journey being late or delayed (thanks a lot Northwest!) we made it to Hawaii and back again.
Tara spent most of the week at a conference which gave me time to visit friends and get in some good time on the water. I brought a fly rod with me which was a pretty optimistic move because in Hawaii the conditions are rarely ideal for chasing o'io (bone fish) on the flats. But, things worked out, sort of.

The tides looked perfect so I met my friend Kirk in the afternoon and we headed out to a stretch of reef that I had never fished before. There were plenty of o'io to see. We were pretty much knee deep in fish until the sun set. Unfortunately, we were also fighting some heavy trade winds. I can recall one instance where I had two fish swimming right in front of me, no more than 20 feet away. It was really skinny water and their exposed tails and dorsal fins were bright silver in the late afternoon sun. Try as I might, I couldn't cast my fly 5 feet beyond the tip of my rod! I had to lean forward into the wind just to stay standing.
The sun set on us and we returned to the car fishless.
Undaunted, we returned that weekend with spinning rods, which are a much more practical tool in such windy weather. We saw a fair number of fish that day as well, and Kirk had one good hookup:

He didn't get the o'io to hand, but he did play it close enough for me to snap a picture of it:

Two seconds after I took the photo, the hook popped out and the fish swam off. Oh, well, that's bonefishing in Hawaii...
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